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Float Away

June 16, 2021 - Immersing into the calm waters around you brings your awareness to the here and now and helps you feel more connected to this essential element of life. Our underwater meditation activities, floatation therapy, and surf massages will wash your worries away.

Underwater Guided Meditation at Six Senses Ibiza

Underwater, we naturally pay more attention to our breathing, which is the heart of meditation, so this is a great way to disconnect from daily life and find harmony and peace. The experience takes place in the calm waters of Xarraca Bay. Before you enter the water, you’ll learn some breathing and snorkeling techniques. Your guide will then take you on a beautiful, submerged journey to enjoy the sparkling shafts of light and marine life. We live on an amazing planet and this experience opens your eyes and heart to the wonders all around.

Just for Surfers Massages at Six Senses Spa Laamu, Maldives

From April to October at Six Senses Spa Laamu, keen surfers have the surrounding surf breaks almost to themselves. If you’re starting out, head to ‘The Shoulder’ just off the shore, a soft-rolling wave that is a direct paddle from the villas. The resort is also located within view of one of the best right-hand barrels in the Maldives, ‘Yin Yang’. However you spend your day – catching the waves or falling off your board – we offer a range of therapeutic massages to actively rejuvenate your tense surfing muscles.

Choose between:

  • Deep Tissue Massage (90 minutes): a deep oil-based massage to ease muscle tension and reawaken your senses.
  • ElaKizhi (90 minutes): a stimulating and rejuvenating treatment with herbal poultices which are used to massage the entire body to improve circulation and tackle joint pains, muscle cramps and stress.

Floatation at Six Senses Spa Douro Valley

Portuguese tradition meets the elements of water, stone and wood at Six Senses Spa Douro Valley. A spa highlight is the indoor pool with its floor-to-ceiling garden views. Over the winter, the team led by Wellness Director Javier Suarez have introduced new underwater sensory experiences, incorporating chromotherapy and healing sound. Specially designed underwater speakers bounce sound waves off the bottom and sides of the pool. Are you ready to experience the benefits?


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