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Grow a new body (and brain)

July 25, 2022 - Rejuvenate your body and brain as our Friend of Six Senses, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, returns to Six Senses Kaplankaya this October. Transplant and stem cell technologies are on the rise, but there’s one thing humans can’t recreate – the brain.

At Six Senses Kaplankaya, you’ll enjoy a Mediterranean village atmosphere, a new body, and a refreshed brain this October 5 to 12, 2022, as Dr. Alberto Villoldo joins us to lead his latest Grow a New Body retreat. A medical anthropologist and author to more than 20 international best-sellers in the field of energy medicine, Dr. Alberto Villoldo is here to share his discoveries on the most effective ways to regenerate the body, brain, and health.

He has traveled and studied with Amazonian shamans for more than 25 years. During his adventures, he learned how shamans believe that we all have an energy field encompassing our physical body; an interconnection between us, our environment, and our life experiences.

The Body

Our DNA knows how to grow a new body, as it did it once before and continues to do every day. An average adult sheds close to 500 million skin cells daily, replenishing the outer layer of skin completely in two to four weeks. The body’s detoxifier, known as the liver, aids us by getting rid of various contaminants from our systems and staying immune to such toxins by renewing its cells every 150 to 500 days. We cannot reverse aging, but we are committed to age youthfully and finding the best version of you in all stages of life.

Start catching ZZZs and stop counting sheep

We know that the body recovers best when sleeping or “recharging our batteries.” During sleep, the cerebrospinal fluid helps the brain flush out its toxins. Dr. Alberto will help you understand your biological clock and synchronize with its rhythm by thinking of the day you woke up following a good night’s sleep – how your skin is glowing and how energized you felt during the day. Imagine that day continuing into a week, month, and year. Slowly and steadily, you start to see your body renewed.

You are what you eat, so eat well to feel well

What you eat is fundamental to your body, brain, and health. Eat With Six Senses embraces food that’s good for you and the world around you. Our chefs indulge their love for hearty and healthy menus, avoiding the bad stuff such as flavor enhancers and the oversaturated sugar often hidden in your food. Grow a New Body is not about weight loss (it’s all about brain gain) but expect to flush toxin weight with daily smoothies, fresh and fibrous meals, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. Switch on those longevity genes!

The Brain

The mind and brain can be filled with worries and angst. A worry-ridden mind may bring out a tired body due to elevated heartbeats, out-of-balance blood pressure, lack of sleep, and loss of appetite. To refresh the brain, an excellent place to start is your thoughts. If you are pregnant, you may start to notice pregnant people everywhere. If you have just bought a white car, you might start to see white cars more often on the road. If you are in the market for a new house, you will begin to see homes on sale in your area. Set your intentions on positivity when you wake up, and your day will attract more of it.

Energy Medicine

The energy field holds recollections of our past traumas, the source of chronic diseases. Energy medicine is a journey in healing, not an intervention to cure a disease. We cannot heal trauma if we do not return to the injury’s source. We call back the part of ourselves that fled when the moment was too painful, reinstall it, and ultimately change limiting beliefs caused by that earlier traumatic experience. In the Amazon, it is called ‘a soul part’.

After Soul Retrieval, you put down the past while becoming aware of its connection to the present. Doing so will make you realize how impactful the present is to your future as you progress towards the next session, the Destiny Retrieval. We do this all the time when planning a future scenario, but we target your wider vision and purpose in a session.

Grow a New Body

Grow a New Body combines everything we know about the body, brain, and soul in a specially curated program. Have your biomarkers tested, stay full board to take care of everything, including mind-rejuvenating food and all neuro-nutrients and supplements, try out brain-strengthening techniques and technologies, enjoy daily therapeutic massages, and immerse in nature and yoga.

Need further help?
+90 252 511 00 30

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