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Find your nirvana on Grand Bahama

November 17, 2022 - Six Senses is coming to Grand Bahama as part of a project that will encourage regenerative activity and engage the surrounding community while protecting the land for future generations. Don your sunnies; here’s the lowdown.

Surrounded by water on three sides and with direct beachfront access, Six Senses Grand Bahama island resort will offer 45 waterfront and canal villas and 20 branded residences. The new resort village will reflect the authenticity of Bahamian lifestyle, culture, and landscape and create a community blended with our signature ethos of wellness, sustainability, crafted guest experiences, and emotional hospitality.

Caribbean well-being

In addition to the guest accommodations, plans are afoot for a signature restaurant, beach venue, boathouse, and pool bar. Future development of the 36-acre site will see direct access to a new marina. The resort village will host an Experience Center along with artist studios, relaxed meeting spaces, a fitness center, and Six Senses Spa.

One of the last of the islands to develop in the mid-20th century, Grand Bahama is a laid-back, accessible community that balances modern infrastructure, restaurants, and hotels with golden beaches and aquamarine waters. Outside the city, the island is an explorer’s delight with expansive mangrove forests, sea caves, and sandy cays. 

Our top takeaways

Careful construction:

Architects 3XN are investigating new modular and prefabricated structures to minimize on-site impacts and define a specific and new approach to sustainability in The Bahamas.

Transformative model:

A team of experts in coastal resilience, marine ecology, and sustainable design will collaborate with Bahamian consultants to ensure social and ecological responsibility is upheld across all aspects of the development. Creating a resort with a hurricane-insulating coastline while minimizing environmental impacts through self-sufficient energy and waste ambitions, will also act as an exemplar for future sustainable tourism models on Grand Bahama and across the Caribbean.

Local job opportunities:

Through a proposed partnership with Blue Action Lab, the project will create hundreds of jobs for Bahamians and offer training opportunities and skills enhancement.

Owning a piece of paradise:

Designed by architect Olson Kundig, there will be approximately 20 branded residences for owners seeking a home-away-from-home near the cosmopolitan and family-friendly city of Freeport, which is under an hour by plane or 2.5 hours by boat from Miami or Fort Lauderdale.

Marine protection:

In addition to the Earth Lab, there will also be a Marine Research and Dive Center focused on coastal resiliency, native plantings, and land restoration. Additional land and sea areas will be designated as preserves, further enhancing the local biosphere.

Read the press release in full.

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