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Rekindle your inner color

November 16, 2020 - Did you know that we all have a personal color? This color, known as a Life Path Color, expresses in light language, the color frequency of your own core nature. Six Senses Visiting Practitioner Mark Wentworth tells you how to shine a light on yours.

As the days grow shorter here in the Northern Hemisphere and we head into autumn, this is the time of the year when nature comes alive with those deep and rich tones of color. These nourishing and warm autumn colors tell us, just like the tree that’s shedding its leaves, that it’s time let out a deep sigh for all the hard work of spring and summer and time to let go of what is no longer needed, and to prepare to slow down and go inwards.

It’s the time of preserving the fruits of summer, fires burning in the hearth, hearty stomach-warming soups and stocking up for the coming months ahead.    

I often think the color palette of autumn is Mother Nature’s way of filling us up with deliciously nourishing colors that will continue to feed our souls over the coming months when the outer light is less visible.

This is the time of year for looking inside to our inner light. This kind of light has a place in our day to day language, we talk of “a spark of inspiration” and someone “losing their spark” or in its opposite we are asked “what sparks your joy”.  In recent years, scientists have discovered the “Zinc spark”, that exact moment when conception takes place. In all cases, a spark denotes a stunning explosion of colorful light.   

In the many versions of the Creation Myth, there is always present a version of the archetypal “Cosmic Man”. It is this cosmic blueprint that symbolizes the oneness of human existence and this figure is commonly depicted as having a halo of light as well as a cape of light.

Could it be that this light, this Universal light, that illuminates the Cosmic Man, sparks joy and is present at the very moment of conception, is what connects us, not just to human existence but to all existence and the very essence of life itself?

Color is the only part of the light spectrum that we can actually see with the naked eye and brings to light that which is normally invisible.

Color therefore could be described as a translator of this inner light and seen as a sign-language of the soul.

Did you know that we all have a personal color? This personal color, known as a Life Path Color, expresses in light language, the color frequency of your own core nature.

It is this personal color that helps you to understand yourself more and helps to explain why you act in the way you do, as well as giving insight to your connection and relationship to others.

From the earliest point of civilization, we have searched for meaning and understanding to help guide us through life and reference our place and role within it. In ancient times people looked to Gods and Goddesses to give direction and understanding.

In Ancient Greece for example, you were either a daughter of Athena or a son of Apollo, or one of the many other Gods and Goddesses of the time.

Your belonging was denoted by early natural childhood behavior, whether an organizer like Zeus, or more like Artemis, out in the country with your dog feeling at one with nature. All characteristics were associated with the different Gods and Goddesses. As your nature become more visible, you would be educated and supported to develop those instinctual behaviors further and, as you grew up, you became an honored daughter or son of one of the major deities.

Imagine then how it must feel to be supported and educated for being who you are naturally! All you have to do is let your true light shine, and in so doing you are honored for being simply, yourself.

By knowing your Life Path Color, you can begin to make sense of and translate your natural core behaviors. Your Life Path Color gives you permission to be nothing more and nothing less than the grandest version of yourself, in full glorious color of course!

Your Life Path Color is derived from your Date of Birth and is calculated in the following way:

12-4-1964 (always include the full year, not 12-4-64)

1 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 27

Keep on adding your birthday numbers together until you end up with a single digit between 1 and 9.

27 = 2+7 = 9

Each of the nine numbers relates to a color, which are:

1 = Red

2 = Orange

3 = Yellow

4 = Green

5 = Blue

6 = Indigo

7 = Violet

8 = Rose

9 = Gold

The important thing to keep in mind is that there is no one right shade or tone of your color. The only version that matters is the one that you choose it to be. For example, I might be Red, but the only Red I truly like is Burgundy, so Burgundy it is then, that’s my Red.

Your Red may be totally different to another Red person’s red, and that is fine because it is this that makes us unique even amongst those of the same Life Path Color. Obviously, we can’t divide the whole population into only nine colors, your Life Path Color is just the beginning. This color sets the ground upon which you stand.

Some of the qualities associated with the colors are:

Red = Energetic and lively, impatient

Orange = Fun loving and playful, feels guilty for being happy

Yellow = Inquisitive and curious, over thinks

Green = Enjoys space and balance, can’t let go

Blue = Communicative and nurturing, stuck for words

Indigo = Deep and mysterious, fearful

Violet = Creative and luxurious, painfully shy

Rose = Compassionate and expansive, competitive

Gold = Wise and guiding, fear of failure

Importantly it doesn’t mean you have to wear your color, of course you can if you wish. Start to build a relationship with your color, think of it more like a best friend who walks alongside you, knowing that without fail they will always be there. Explore all if its many shades and tones, some you will like others you won’t, that’s normal but do be open to the full spectrum of your color. You may be surprised at what you discover.

Explore the idea of how you can “be your color”. For example, if you were orange, how might you be “Fun loving and playful”? What does that mean to you and how will you express that fun-loving playfulness? The important thing is making it personal to you, after all, it is your color. 

As we head into the reflective time of autumn and winter spend some quiet time kindling this inner flame of color.

You could paint with it, create a collage, or visualize breathing your color in and filling yourself up from the inside out. Find an image with your shade or tone of the color and make that your screensaver for your mobile or laptop.

Play a little, imagine if you were the color, how do you feel and what would you say? As the color tell yourself how you would like to be introduced and used in your life.

Every time we see our color, it acts as a reminder of our connectedness and that our own unique spark of light contributes to that inner light that unites us all.

When you give space for your Life Path Color, just like Mother Nature’s autumn color palette, it nourishes you from the inside out. When you let your own light shine you are honored and seen in your full true glory just like the blossoming of the most exquisite flower in the springtime.

This is the gift of color, this the gift of the time of the turning autumn leaves, and this is the reminder of that ever-present inner light. Let it shine!   

Global color specialist and Six Senses Visiting Practitioner Mark Wentworth is the creator of ”The Colour Path” methodology, of which Life Path Colors are a part. Mark’s work integrates color therapy with Carl Jung’s archetypal and visionary worlds. His book, “Add a Little Color to Your Life” has been translated into six different languages with the Romanian edition due out later in 2020. Mark lives in Norwich, Norfolk, UK, and works in 12 countries worldwide. For more information visit:

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