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SPArkling nights in

May 14, 2024 - Thursday night is spa night at Six Senses Rome, as the wellness area exceptionally opens its doors for a guaranteed feel-like-a-Roman experience.

Take the plunge and dive into your weekend early with our signature Roman Bath spa experience, plus sound healing, light bites, drinks, and live music. After a busy week or a full day taking in the sights and sounds of the Eternal City, you’ll no doubt feel ready for some R&R. Our modern-day take on the ancient art of Roman Bathing, with the ritual of heating the body up and then cooling it down, is a sociable and immersive way to balance the mind and body. Feel your worries float away as you move from our calidarium to the tepidarium and frigidarium (brrr). It helps to reduce inflammation, promotes overall healing, and leaves you tingling from top to toe and ready to take on the world.

As you wind down from spa to spaah, enjoy sound healing performed by a local, talented harpist, and delicious Roman-inspired finger food and crafted drinks in the soothing atmosphere of our multi-level Six Senses Rome Spa area.

“In Roman times, the bathhouse was a place to connect and meet with people. Roman baths were part of day-to-day life, a place to see and be seen and network, says Elisabetta Trezzi, Spa & Wellness Manager at Six Senses Rome. “The concept of SPArkling night comes from the idea of ​​bringing back such a sense of conviviality, recreating a community that perfectly matches the Six Senses vision, with the original touch of live music framed by the classic beauty of our Roman baths, healthy food designed specifically for the evening, and a sound healing session. During the SPArkling night, our spa is open after work, so it’s ideal for people who are busy during the day and want to wrap up their day in a relaxing way.”

The SPArkling nights experience is available every Thursday from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm for in-house guests and locals to Rome. Check our Wellness and Spa page for more information about how we integrate wellness into every aspect of your stay.

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