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Sustainability stories based on facts not fiction

Far from lessening the pleasure, following sustainable architectural and design practices enhances the hospitality experience. Fresh air, waking up to birdsong, homemade food and enjoying the natural biodiversity… we believe healthy hotels and resorts improve guests’ well-being and balance.

Fast track from farm to fork

It’s not easy up a mountain or in the sand but we’re proud that our food is homegrown or sourced from local communities. Six Senses Ninh Van Bay’s recent low-carbon award keeps us digging – see how we do it and how it benefits all.

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Plastic action, not fiction

Our journey to plastic freedom started in the mid-1990s through refusing single-use plastic, supplier engagement, and sharing best practices. To mark Earth Day and this year’s Planet vs. Plastics theme, here’s how we (and you) make a difference.

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Waste not, want not

How do you style a pineapple crown or distil the magic from a mushroom? Our chefs ensure nothing goes to waste on their watch. Great news for gardens and gut health alike.

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You're a force for good

We are deeply embedded into the fabric of our local communities. To celebrate Earth Day every day, here are just some of our community projects in our resorts in Ibiza, India, and Vietnam, directly supported by your bookings each time you stay.

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The call of the wild

A flash of green or black and you’re eye to eye with a wagtail, iguana, or langur monkey. Come on a journey of natural discovery through our protected local habitats and forge a deeper connection with yourself during your sustainable vacation.

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Double platinum

Mindful and soulful travel starts from the ground up. With exemplary LEED Platinum hotel certification in Saudi Arabia and India, and LEED Gold in Rome, enjoy an eco-retreat to the last brick.

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When reefs talk

Submerging underwater is less silent than you think. The reef at Six Senses Laamu is a riot of fish chatter! This could be a clue to coral regrowth as discovered by conservationist Steve Backshall, hosted by the Maldives Underwater Initiative.

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16 ways to stay sustainably

We take a science-based approach to our sustainability results. But we wouldn’t be Six Senses if we didn’t make our experiences fun playful. After all, who says sustainability can’t be the reason you come to stay! Here are our sweet 16.

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Little ones, big impacts

Ants accomplish big things despite their size, little by little. Much like our young ones, whose Grow With Six Senses adventures provide meaningful skill sets. What they learn through play, happy and hands-on; they will carry on through life.

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Sense of Oman: Through a Woman’s Eyes

Meaningful encounters are central to Six Senses Zighy Bay’s ethos - to learn, connect, and have fun. Empowering local women since 2015, the Dibba Women Association invites you to share their culture and gain a very joyous Sense of Oman.

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