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Sustainability is (freshly) growing so come and dig in

Good food and unique culinary experiences are the hallmark of any memorable holiday, especially those shared with Six Senses. Unfortunately, food is also at the forefront of many of the environment challenges we face today. The impacts of the food industry stem primarily from food production (factory farming, pesticides, fertilizers, water consumption, etc.), food transport (fuel consumption, carbon creation, packaging, etc.) and food waste (about one third of the food produced each year is thrown away).

Eat With Six Senses

Our guiding principles – natural ingredients, local and sustainable, and less is more – help guests to reconnect with food safe in the knowledge that it’s good for them, and good for the world around them.

Natural ingredients

Six Senses chooses a cleaner and simpler approach to preparation, focusing on quality, balance and fresh whole food made from scratch. Chefs indulge their love for hearty and healthy menus full of color, taste and joy, while unapologetically avoiding the bad stuff (flavor enhancers, lectins, lactose, gluten and sugar). Instead they choose the ingredients and preparation methods that promote a healthy microbiome (the trillions of tiny gut buddies living in the body) to offer better digestion and absorption of nutrients while boosting the immune system. Glucose is out, vinegar is in!

Local and sustainable

It is essential to know what’s in food and where it’s from, and each Six Senses resort is reinforcing its relationships with local farmers, producers and suppliers, who are committed to responsible sourcing and seasonality. Imported seafood could be farm raised with antibiotics and growth hormones. By working closely with local producers, Six Senses is assuring that ethical practices in raising animals and avoiding at-risk species are adhered to.

Even closer to home, each Six Senses resort cultivates its own organic vegetable garden, one property already has its own free range chicken farm to supply fresh eggs and two resorts have established mushroom huts.

Less is more

Produce that has traveled a long distance is often gassed, irradiated and preserved with wax or exposed to toxic packaging. At Six Senses, the energy footprint of importing branded drinking water has been eliminated with each resort having its own reverse osmosis plant to produce top quality still and sparkling mineralized water, which is provided to guests in re-usable glass bottles.

As deep as you want to go

Guests who simply holiday at Six Senses will eat more healthily by default. Those guests who are curious about Eat With Six Senses and want to discover more about the food and beverage offerings, fitness and wellness activities, will have the basics for making life changes. While guests who opt for the full Integrated Wellness, including a personalized wellness screening, will reap the total immersion benefits: from fitness plans to Sleep With Six Senses, the wellness experience can be integrated into every aspect of their stay.

Six Senses Integrated Wellness was developed in collaboration with Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Michael Breus and Dr. Mehmet Oz, members of Six Senses Wellness Board, highly respected doctors and leading wellness professionals.

According to Dr. Steven Gundry, American cardiac surgeon and founder of The Center for Restorative Medicine, “With the introduction of Eat With Six Senses, guests not only eat well, they feel better. They are also supported with valuable tools and information to help them make positive lasting life adjustments. To put it in a nutshell, Six Senses want guests to leave feeling better than when they arrived.”

Eat With Six Senses will also have a positive outcome for the resort’s hosts, as the philosophy will be implemented in all restaurants. It will create an internal culture of health and wellness through healthier meal choices as well as providing knowledge to support the well-being of hosts and their families.

Eat With Six Senses will have a positive effect for guests, hosts and Mother Nature alike.

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