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Global Tourism Plastics Initiative

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative unites more than 450 businesses, governments, and other organizations behind a common vision and targets to address plastic waste and pollution at its source.

To realize this vision, tourism companies destinations commit to eliminate the plastic items they don’t need; innovate so all plastics they do need are designed to be safely reused, recycled, or composted; and circulate everything they use to keep it in the economy and out of the environment. By taking serious action in a coordinated and determined manner on plastic pollution, the tourism sector can help preserve and protect the places and wildlife that make destinations worth visiting.

Zero Waste and Plastic Free

At Six Senses, this means going beyond banning single-use plastic and unnecessary waste by implementing a policy to become Zero Waste and Plastic Free, uncovering solutions that have not yet been created and promoting a de-plasticized lifestyle by providing more sustainable alternatives.

Joining the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative is another step in this direction to address the root causes of plastic pollution. It enables businesses and governments to take concerted action and lead by example.

As a signatory of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, Six Senses furthers its commitment to eliminating, innovating and circulating its use of plastics by 2025, although the brand is on its way to being Plastic Free in 2022. This might be a bold target; however, as the effects of climate change become increasingly dire around the world, hosts and guests are supporting and even demanding action.  

Actionable commitments

We believe every organization in the hospitality sector has a responsibility to stand up and be accountable for its impact on the environment, which is why we are one of the first signatories of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative.

We are committed to:

  • Eliminating remaining unnecessary plastic packaging from our rooms and bathrooms by 2022.
  • Eliminating all unnecessary plastic packaging from service areas by 2022.
  • Introducing more reusable solutions in kitchens to replace unnecessary plastic packaging (cling film and plastic packaging of fresh products) by 2022.
  • Introducing reusable solutions in service areas (host shops) to replace single use packaging by 2025.
  • Sourcing naturally compostable packing and other materials where appropriate.
  • Working with suppliers to avoid plastic packaging, source plastic free alternative products, and arrange packaging take-back programs wherever possible.
  • Working with other hotels and industry partners to share best practices, supplier recommendations, and other information to help the industry move away from plastic.
  • Sorting all waste materials, upcycling or composting when possible on site, sending to offsite recycling where available - all with the aim of zero waste to landfill.

Find out more about how we’re involved in the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative 

About the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative is developed within the framework of the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the One Planet network, a multi-stakeholder partnership to implement SDG 12 on Sustainable Consumption and Production, and is led by the UN Environment Programme and the World Tourism Organization, in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative acts as the tourism sector interface of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment which already unites more than 450 businesses, governments, and is aligned with New Plastics Economy vision, framework and definitions to mobilise the global tourism sector towards concerted action against plastic pollution. 

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