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Eat With Six Senses

Eat, drink and be healthy

Eating and vacations go as well together as chili and chocolate. Our food and drinks philosophy – where food is as nutritious as it is delicious – means you can enjoy both and leave feeling better than when you arrived.

Guiding Principles

Natural ingredients

We choose a cleaner and simpler approach to preparation, focusing on quality, balance and fresh whole food made from scratch. Produce doesn’t come much fresher than our herbs and veggies grown in our own organic gardens and mushroom huts. In some locations, eggs and milk come from onsite farms.

Local and sustainable

Each Six Senses resort is reinforcing its relationships with local farmers, producers and suppliers, who are committed to responsible sourcing, packaging and seasonality. We keep a close eye on what's in your food and where it comes from so you can reconnect with food safe in the knowledge it’s healthy for you and the world around you.

Less is more

Our chefs indulge their love for hearty and healthy menus, while avoiding the bad stuff such as flavor enhancers and reducing the amount of lectins, lactose, gluten and sugar in your food. Glucose is out, vinegar is in!

  • We take care of our hosts too. Eat With Six Senses has been implemented in all dining outlets, creating an internal culture of health and wellness through healthier meal choices as well as providing knowledge to support their well-being and that of their families.

    Being inclusive

    We take care of our hosts too. Eat With Six Senses has been implemented in all dining outlets, creating an internal culture of health and wellness through healthier meal choices as well as providing knowledge to support their well-being and that of their families.

Make your gut buddies happy with our programs

Weight Management at Six Senses Vana

Gain control of your weight and relationship with food through healing and gradual weight loss with the goal of longevity. Did you know, weight lives within you both physically and mentally? During this program we will treat the root causes through fitness activities, stimulating body treatments, meditation, biohacking and a personalized meal plan.


Uses non-invasive yogic cleanse with low intensity training, detoxifying therapies and mind-body practices.

Weight Management

Assesses where you are and then blends cleansing treatments, fitness and wellness activities with a balanced diet and practical advice.


Eat stories

Our experts have done the groundwork preparing the guiding principles to local, seasonal and sustainable menus that are full of flavor and goodness.


Six Senses Newsletter

Journey through Six Senses offers and updates

Come on a journey with us: the latest offers, wellness initiatives and inspiring community projects.


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