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Wellness Programs

Chakra Balancing Yoga at Six Senses Vana

Through a combination of yoga, meditation, holistic healing techniques, and teachings on the chakra system, these retreats provide a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of your own’s energy body and support your journey toward optimal health and well-being. By engaging in these practices, you can expect to experience an increased sense of harmony, balance, and overall wellness that extends beyond the retreat setting and into your everyday life.

Aimed at beginners and improvers, programs are delivered by a unique team of instructors whose individual styles complement each other.

Chakra-Balancing Yoga in the foothills of Himalayas will prepare you to be better equipped to manage stress, cope with emotional challenges, and maintain a sense of well-being in daily life.


The Retreat will help you achieve the best physical, mental, emotional and spiritual potential through an all-inclusive wellness retreat. The soothing space at the Retreat serves as a leveler, where you can come as you are and connect to each other and nature without hindrance. By the end of the Retreat, you will experience benefits such as:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved emotional balance
  • Greater sense of inner harmony
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Increased physical energy
  • Deeper connection to spiritual senses


Chakra Balancing Yoga at Six Senses Vana

Chakra Balancing Yoga at Six Senses Vana is available at:

Each resort may offer a slightly different program depending on our local wellness experts and inspiration. Click on a resort below to find out more.

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