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Wellness Programs

Female Health

Working with nutrition and functional health experts, including Dr. Mindy Pelz from the Reset Academy, Female Health programs have been specifically formulated to address the key issues of nutrition, movement, sleep, stress and mindset, and lifestyle. Enjoy space and time to listen to your body’s signals away from the distractions of everyday life in beautiful surroundings with warm wrap-around care. Access the teaching and tools you need to make the lifestyle adjustments necessary for maintaining hormonal health when you go back home.

Is this program right for you?

This program aims to inform and empower all women, especially those interested in overcoming or avoiding the sometimes debilitating anxieties or symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. We’ll help you walk the path to better health during this time of many transitions. After all, women deserve to thrive wherever they are in their cycle or life stage.


  • Helps you explore the foundations of hormonal and metabolic health
  • Relaxes the nervous system and supports the oxytocin boost stimulated by fasting
  • Teaches you about Continuous Glucose Monitoring (monitor included)
  • Offers handy intel on your current sleep patterns through sleep tracking and analysis
  • Fuels your body with menus designed specifically to repair and optimize your microbiome
  • Integrates personal training and spa treatments, including hot and cold immersion, holistic massages, sound healing, and mindfulness meditation
  • Embraces the “Stop Rushing Woman” approach (slow down and create space for rest and recovery)
Female Health

Female Health is available at:

Each resort may offer a slightly different program depending on our local wellness experts and inspiration. Click on a resort below to find out more.

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