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Anytime anywhere meditation

In the short term, meditation helps us to “check in” and focus. In the long run it can bring balance and laughter back into our lives so we can connect with ourselves (and others) on a more meaningful level.

It is no secret that meditation helps practitioners fight worry, stress and lack of clarity, and has done so for thousands of years. Research from a host of universities, medical schools and health centers has shown that practicing regular meditation and mindfulness has the potential to minimize anxiety and depression, reduce pain, instigate positive psychological change and also increase telomerase activity, which is an effective anti-aging therapy at a cellular level.

According to Buddhist scriptures, even the archetypal meditator – the Buddha himself – is reputed to have lived to 80, which was an exceptional age in 5th century BCE India. He didn't even die of old age ... but of food poisoning.

Across Six Senses properties, you can enjoy complimentary group meditation classes or private sessions with experienced in-house practitioners. There is an option for everyone keen to deepen their holiday relaxation and tame the monkey mind.

Just 10 minutes of meditation every day will boost your natural beauty as well. Regular practice can reduce the effects of mental and emotional stress, preserving youth hormones and reducing premature wrinkles.

  • Find a comfortable sitting position and close your eyes.
  • Move your mind to consult each part of your body for one or two minutes.
  • Draw attention to your natural breathing and feel the breath passing in the throat for 20 breaths or two minutes.
  • Shift your awareness to your navel in the abdomen and feel the natural breath there for 20 breaths or two minutes.
  • Now feel the movement of your breath between your throat and navel for 40 breaths or four minutes.
  • End by gently bringing your awareness to notice your surrounding sound and space.

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