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Wellness stories

Based on science, written like fiction. From chanting monks in Bhutan to smoothies in Samui and beating jet lag like astronauts, here are all the things that made us go "huh". From tried and tested methods handed down through generations at our resorts to the latest tech: if it's about wellness we try to cover it.

A place for smart health

Our experts can help you gain smart insights into your inner health and how well you move, and then recommend a wellness program as part of a high-tech but always human-touch approach.

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The man behind the medicine

To find out how modern science confirms ancient shamanic wisdom, we asked Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. He’s a psychologist, medical anthropologist, friend to Amazon shamans, biohacker and the brains behind our Grow a New Body program.

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Are you getting enough beauty sleep?

We all know that sleep is crucial for youthful skin. Six Senses Sleep Doctor Michael J. Breus shares the top three sleep challenges facing women (and, of course, how to overcome them).

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Switch on your longevity genes

The pioneering Grow a New Body program doesn’t just repair hormonal imbalance – it can begin to heal the process of aging altogether. Founder Dr. Alberto Villoldo explains more about living longer, healthier and happier.

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