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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Amanda Ling

Health and lifestyle coach, Sound Healer, Yoga Teacher and DJ

With a diverse background across two decades as a musician, DJ, yoga teacher, sound healing practitioner a decluttering consultant, she has conducted and managed immersive sound healing experiences and wellness workshops for many corporations, festivals, and retreats.

Holding a postgraduate master’s in arts Pedagogy and Practice from Goldsmiths, University of London, Amanda is dedicated to sharing an integrated approach to arts and wellness, using embodied reflective practices to nurture personal growth, transformation, and holistic well-being.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy for Stress Management

To promote stress relief, sound releases energetic and emotional blockages before energizing and healing the body, calming the mind, and bringing the spirit into a state of inner peace. The deep healing vibration of the singing bowl resonates as it works from the cellular level to aid in the body’s natural healing process.

Couples Private Healing

Creative Journaling and Heart-Focused Sound Bath

Starts with a heart- focused breathwork and creative journaling gratitude practice before resting in the deep vibrational sound bath of Ancient Singing Bowls to clear blockages while bringing in the positive energy to deepen the connection and healing.

Declutter with Sound and Space Consultation

This session consists of the introduction to the holistic approach to identifying areas in life to tidy up, clarifying intentions and craft initial steps through a personalized structured framework. Combined with breathwork and vocal toning to clarify the mind and walk away with an initial blueprint of the areas to jumpstart a journey of inspired actions towards clarify and purpose in all of life’s endeavors.

Sleep Journey- Sonic Sleep

Stimulation of the vagus nerve through breathwork and humming encourages better quality of brain relaxation, while monaural beats in frequencies within the delta range(0.5hz-4hz) help promote deep sleep and relaxation. Enjoy the deep relaxing sound waves from the singing bowls during Savasana and end with the stillness of silence to allow full integration of the practice to take place.

Waves of Wellness

Move, breathe, reflect and doodle to increase Self-Awareness and Harmony in “Waves of Wellness”. A contemplative, creative wellness combination of movement, breathwork, sound and expressive arts. Reconnect, realign, and revitalize the body, mind, and heart through the waves of body movement, breathwork, sound healing and creative journaling through this creative wellness blend facilitated by Healing Arts Practitioner.

Yoga with Live DJ Collaboration

Silent Mindful Dining with Live DJ

A multi-sensory healthy dining experience with live DJ soundscapes. The session starts with mindful meditations and encourage diners to dine with mindfulness of the senses.

Amanda Ling at Six Senses


November 29, 2024 - December 18, 2024

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