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Ashley Tan

Sound Healing Medicine

Welcome to a world where the symphony of ancient wisdom and modern science converge for a transformative experience, restoring balance to body, mind, and spirit. Meet Ashley, your guide to integral sound healing, ready to take you on a journey that transcends boundaries. Ashley is a certified Sound Health Practitioner and Trainer, expertly using singing bowls, tuning forks, and gongs for your well-being.

Sound Sleep Journey

For those struggling with insomnia, restless nights, or waking unrefreshed, this specialized treatment offers a gentle path to peaceful slumber. Drift away on the calming waves of sound, gently guiding your body and mind into a state of stillness. Surrender to the harmonizing vibrations of carefully selected sound instruments as they release tension, quiet the racing mind, and create the ideal environment for a restful night's sleep.

Emotional Detox

Emotions can become stuck due to trauma or resistance to certain emotions. These trapped emotional vibrations can cause surrounding tissues to vibrate at the same frequency, resulting in physical ailments over time. The sound and vibration from this session can help bring awareness to and release negative emotions and trauma, inviting a sense of lightness and emotional clarity.

Tuning Fork Therapy

Just like tuning a piano, your body can be harmonized to achieve optimal balance. This session instantly alters your body’s biochemistry, bringing your nervous system, muscle tone, and organs into harmonic alignment.

Upper Body Tension Release

A cellular massage with sound and vibration designed to soothe your head, neck and shoulders. Ease the tension from headaches and migraines, while balancing your heart rate variability, reducing respiratory rates, and relaxing brain wave patterns.

Brainwave Relaxation

This experience offers absolute serenity as deep relaxation and soothing sounds open the flow of energy, restoring balance and well-being.

Ashley Tan at Six Senses


April 1 - 30, 2025

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