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Jill Banwell

Energy Healing, Color and Crystal Healing, Massage Therapy, Counselling, Alexander Technique, Yoga and Meditation

Jill grew up in a little village in England. After studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, Jill first encountered the healing arts over 25 years ago. Since then, she has explored the fields of Energy Healing, Color and Crystal Healing, Massage Therapy, Counselling, Alexander Technique, Yoga and Meditation. Journeys to sacred sites around the world have helped her to become a more open channel for healing energies. Jill finds fulfillment in gently guiding people to experience a deeper, more harmonious level of themselves and life.

Alexander Technique Session

The Alexander Technique works with the underlying reactive patterns of your mind and body that can cause symptoms such as discomfort, pain, repetitive strain, postural issues, stress and tension. During the first part of the session Jill will give you hands-on and verbal guidance as you perform simple movements such as sitting and standing. This guidance enables your body to recover a more natural way of moving that feels lighter and easier. In the second part of the session, you will lie down, and, through gentle touch and movements, Jill will encourage your mind and body to let go of deeply held habitual tension. A series
of sessions is recommended.

Crystal Healing Massage Journey

In this treatment beautiful healing gemstones are placed on your chakras (energetic centers) to benefit all levels of your being. While your body, mind and spirit absorb the high vibrations of these special stones, Jill gives you a full body oil massage, customized to your needs and preferences. Following the massage, when you are fully grounded in your body, Jill will continue with hands-on (reiki) energy healing to complement the effects of the crystals. Benefits include the release of stress and tension so that you feel balanced, peaceful and calm.

Retention Relief Massage Treatment

This treatment addresses blockages in the digestive system and water retention. A firm, rhythmic abdominal massage focuses on the large intestine, together with massage techniques to reduce bloating. Water retention in the legs, ankles and arms can also be relieved. Relevant pressure points are stimulated to aid the process.

Emotional Detox Healing Treatment

If you have been under a lot of stress lately, or if you had some difficult experiences in the past, then this energetic cleansing will help you to recover your inner peace. Each session is customized to your individual requirements as Jill uses a tailor-made combination of techniques such as hands-on energy healing breath work, creative visualization, soul retrieval, inner child work, crystal healing and positive affirmations to help you to release the mental and emotional pressure in a healthy and uplifting way.

Jill Banwell at Six Senses


December 5, 2024 - January 24, 2025

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