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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Joseph Evling-Taylor

Sound therapy

Joseph studied contemplative arts and sound practices around the world and academically before founding Urmi as a study in sound, space, and self. He now shares Urmi’s program of innovative multisensory experiences with his London-based community and beyond.

His approach draws meaning from ancient philosophies and practices, as well as nature, art, neuroscience, and design, to make sense of our contemporary urban lifestyles and to equip his community with the therapeutic tools to flourish.

His warm and grounded energy acts as an invitation to show up as you are in the safe and supportive healing space that he holds.

Soothing Sound Bath

A soothing sound bath awaits. Submerge into a healing soundscape composed of therapeutic vibrations, sensory instruments, and scent as you are invited on a vibrant
journey through a rich sonic spectrum from the comfort of your mat. Urmi soundscapes are carefully crafted to support listeners to shift into a state of restoration and regeneration by providing an accessible sonic bridge into a state of total meditation.

With vibrations and practices to restore tired bodies, soothe nervous systems and disentangle mental knots, listeners are invited to take what they need from this to reconnect with themselves.

Yogic Sleep and Sound Meditation

Neuroscience and ancient wisdom coalesce in this deeply impactful sleep optimization practice. Yoga Nidra is a restorative guided meditation, popular for its ability to foster states of deep relaxation and healing in an accessible way. Nidra, meaning "sleep" in Sanskrit, makes this a particularly restful meditation and draws from the Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest (NSDR) method. It is experienced lying down, where participants are guided through a sensory visualization through the layers of their consciousness.

Crystal bowls enhance the soothing and grounding nature of this meditation.

Soundplay: Art Meditations

Paint with color and breathe with sound. Borrowing principles from Art Therapy, SoundPlay supplies an easel, canvas, and paints to tap into the inherent healing and introspective nature of art.

Following a sensory sound journey, participants are invited to paint to bring form, color and meaning to the rich inner experience of your sound meditation process.
Whether a serene landscape or amorphous colors flow from your brush, this is about process, not product.

By painting, we provide a channel for the emotions, visuals, thoughts and ideas that swell to the surface of our consciousness during the sound meditation and curiously explore what wishes to emerge to canvas. SoundPlay creates a held and mindful space to channel this into intentional artistic expression.

Joseph Evling-Taylor at Six Senses


January 2 - 26, 2025

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