Kemmy seamlessly integrates a holistic approach in addition to her innovative treatment methodology which extends beyond conventional norms, engaging all the senses to curate a therapeutic environment. This approach aims to foster a serene and healing space, ensuring an immersive and transformative experience for all her clients.
Osteopathy works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together. The consultation will include a detailed case history and examination with orthopedic testing, to give you a treatment that is specific to you as an individual.
Focusing on the involuntary mechanisms of the body and the primary respiration, cranial osteopathy helps to restore a calming balance and natural biorhythm within the body. The aim is to diagnose areas of tension and changes in tissue quality in the anatomy of the whole body and to diagnose the areas of dysfunction. Cranial osteopathy encourages the body’s innate ability to heal itself through techniques that aid the tissues to a state of balance and restorative health.
Stainless steel acupuncture needles of various lengths for different parts of the body, used specifically to reduce pain in trigger points or relieve a muscular spasm. Dry needling is also a great technique for muscular strains and ligamentous sprains. It can be used preventatively and for symptomatic muscular issues.
Changes in your posture can result in certain muscles groups shortening into positions that may restrict joints and affect mobility. Sports massage can be a great way to relieve these stressors and improve flexibility and reduce pain. It also helps to prevent repetitive strains, improve circulation and flush out toxins built up from exercise.
The beauty of Osteopathy is that it enables you to address the root cause. Pre-habilitation is a great way to gain an understanding of the interconnectedness of different parts of their body, and to improve the current state through exercises and stretches tailored to them. The tailored prehab plan is in a gym setting, including a video tutorial summary.