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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Lucy Kellett

Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy (BDCST), Energy Medicine, Meditative Bodywork, Yoga, Chi Nei Tsang

Lucy’s practice is rooted in finding integration and is guided by an intuitive curiosity in the “how and why” through movements and motion. By blending traditional practices with self-exploration, Lucy’s classes deliver a fluid, uplifting and grounding experience, encouraging practitioners to embody and reconnect by finding their center, inner balance and true presence of the self.

Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy (BDCST) and Energy Medicine

BDCST is a deeply relaxing and gentle energy light-touch therapy that explores the subtle layers of each individual’s physical, psychosomatic, and energetic layers of their being. Through a soft and attentive approach, Lucy creates space for your body’s innate intelligence to unwind, release and re-nurture you back to source. This transformative experience encourages a deep sense of surrender, allowing your original vitality and inner bliss to resurface.

Fascia Release combined with Deep Tissue Work  

Fascia, the body’s connective tissue web, integrates all parts into a cohesive whole. Lucy identifies any restrictive patterns or adhesions within the fascial web, guiding you through a treatment focused on release and reformation. Using targeted sliding and rolling techniques, her sessions enhance posture, mobility and functional movement, leaving you with a sense of lightness, release and ease of movement.

Bathe in Bliss

Relax into your being as you submerge, release, and surrender into a deeper sense of self. This grounded treatment, assisted and conducted on the floor, blends soothing Yin Yoga asanas (postures), soft pressure point massage, mobilization work, fascia stretches, breathwork and Craniosacral Therapy. Each session is intuitively structured to meet your individual needs, helping you detach from a cluttered mind and embrace a softer, more engaged presence of self.

Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage  

An ancient Chinese abdominal massage and breathwork treatment, Chi Nei Tsang was originally developed for organ detoxification. Through targeted pressure, soothing gliding motions and Taoist sound healing, this treatment aims to support the release and detoxification of the body. It works on physical, emotional, and psychosomatic levels, providing gentle relief for a range of conditions such as digestive imbalances, musculoskeletal tension, and more.

Morning Mobility

This is the ideal treatment to either fluidly wind up after waking up; or wind down after a morning workout, cycle or run. By working with the major motivating muscles that drive us into action, we settle, calm, and transform the fire into water. It’s the perfect way to connect with the essence and ease of island life.

Power Hour

An hour to strengthen and lengthen, leaving you centered and aligned. This session combines Mat Pilates with standing Yogic core movements through a fully integrated flow, to discover the aliveness of our center and stronger essence of our self.

Lucy Kellett at Six Senses


February 8, 2025 - March 15, 2025

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