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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Reema Saikia

Emotional Therapist, Reiki Healer, Yoga and Meditation Guide, and Vedic Psychology Expert

Known for her serene and compassionate presence, Reema’s transformative healing sessions inspire and elevate the spirit. She also leads holistic retreats and workshops worldwide, sharing her wisdom to create meaningful and lasting change.

Reiki Healing and Reiki Healing with Chakra balancing        

Feel a gentle dance of energy as calming aromas envelop you in a relaxing atmosphere. Reema invites you to lie down and receive universal healing energy. The session begins with a light touch as her hands hover above your body. You may sense warmth or tingling as energy flows, harmonizing your chakras, and restoring balance. Throughout the session, you may experience vivid imagery or emotional release, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and tranquil as you return to the present.   

Cognitive Therapy for Self-Development and Finding Purpose  

(Mentoring / Counseling / Affirmation)   

Step into a safe and nurturing space where the session begins with gentle breathwork to center your mind and body. Guided by Reema, you explore emotions, confront fears, and reflect on experiences to achieve healing and clarity. Through visualizations, you connect with your inner strengths, express your feelings, and experience a profound sense of release. The session concludes with a powerful affirmation that grounds you in self-compassion, leaving you transformed and ready to embrace your journey.

Deep Therapy Session                                                                                                                    

(Hypnosis / Energy Healing / Current Life Regression for Resolving Present Issues and Healing Past Traumas) 

Build trust through gentle regression, exploring pivotal past moments and addressing buried emotions. Guided by hypnosis and visualization, Reema creates a safe space and non-judgmental space for you to show vulnerability and confront fears. The process is followed by energy healing, harnessing warmth to release blockages. By the end of the session, you return to the present with renewed clarity and peace.

Theta Brain Wave Activation (The Art of Conscious Relaxation)    

Embark on a transformative journey accompanied by soft ambient sounds. Reema's soothing voice gently guides you into the theta state, a realm of deep relaxation that fosters creativity and healing. Through guided visualizations, you explore sensations and emotions without judgment, relaxing further with each deep breath. Your intentions, or Sankalpa, are planted in your subconscious, nurturing positivity and growth. As you drift between wakefulness and sleep, you create a sanctuary of peace within.                                                                                     

Reema Saikia at Six Senses


December 10, 2024 - January 10, 2025

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