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Six Senses Yao Noi Experiences

Explore Koh Yao Noi Attractions

Take a tour of Koh Yao Noi to experience island life in its quiet simplicity.

Learn about things to do on the island of Yao Noi on a guided tour via a local taxi. Explore its golden beaches, learn about the island’s local fish farm economy, and visit coconut farms, rice fields, and rubber tree plantations. Watch how the locals tap rubber using a hand-cutting technique and collect its sap in coconut shells tied to the trunks. Your experienced guide then takes you on a cultural journey to a batik center where you can try your hand at batik painting and take your finished products home as a souvenir of your inspiring day!

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Explore Koh Yao Noi Attractions

Activities & Experiences

    • Curious about what life on our little island is like? Hop on a mountain bike and observe how the locals spend their days. We’ll provide a map or a guide who will lead you on an engaging journey through Yao Noi’s rice paddies, coconut farms, fishing villages, beaches, markets, craft centers and other assorted points of interest.


      Flexible, bikes may be rented for the day while guided tours typically last between 3 to 4 hours.


      Rental Price:
      Bicycle rental - Complimentary

      Tour Price: (with guide)
      One guest - THB 1,500
      Additional guest - THB 600
      Complimentary for children under 10 years

    • Ever wonder how rubber is tapped, how fish are caught and where the sacred places are? Join us on a tour of the island as we reveal South Thailand’s traditions in a non-intrusive manner.

      As a truly unique experience every time, you never know what you might find.


      Two to Three hours


      • Driver-Guide
      • Six Senses Drinking Water


      THB net 2,300 per couple
      THB net 400 per additional guest

      Complimentary for children under 10 years

      Maximum Capacity : Six guests

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