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Six Senses Yao Noi Wellness Programs

Mind Your Brain

Your brain is involved in everything you do. Its health is vital to how you feel, think, age, perform, love, learn and share. We are all very quick to download the latest software upgrades to our devices but how often do we deliberately consider how we can help our brain serve us better for longer?

This one-day program helps you care for and improve the state of your brain and how it works through ancient practices from yoga and meditation and modern biohacks including brain games, developmental drawings and binaural beats.

Your brain is the fattiest organ in the body, consisting of nearly 60 percent fat so eating the right foods and good fats allows it to perform at its best. We’ll help you stimulate, and kick start the brain in the morning, share activities that are proven to improve brain function and send you home with some tips to take back into everyday life. Keep curious, keep expanding and keep developing your own OS!

Great for:

  • Brain fog
  • Feeling like you’re stuck in a rut or old habits
  • Lack of sleep or bad quality sleep
  • Fuzzy short-term memory
  • Stress or mental fatigue
  • Wellness Screening : 45 minutes
  • Holistic Massage : 60 minutes
  • Aerial Yoga : 60 minutes
  • Sound Healing Therapy : 45 minutes
  • Crystal Vita Jewel Bottle                

Duration: One-Day Program

Price per person - THB 20,000
Price per couple - THB 38,000

Prices are inclusive of service charge and taxes.

Mind Your Brain

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