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Six Senses Rome Experiences

The Ancient Tradition of Roman Baths at Six Senses Spa

Roman baths were part of daily life in Ancient Rome, and you would even network and make business connections. Everyone just happened to be naked (a tradition we will not be taking forward)!

You have one hour to complete this beautiful thermae Roman Bath spa journey

  • Hydrate by drinking water and balance your temperature by taking a shower between stations.
  • Start with a refreshing shower to awaken the senses.
  • Follow with the Tepidarium, a Roman bath with a heated wall and benches for reclining on while listening to water trickling through the fountain. 40°C with 35 to 40 percent humidity.
  • Move to the next Tepidarium, a pool warmed from 29 to 31°C.
  • Head to the Laconicum, a sauna heated to 90°C with 10 to 20 percent humidity, and the Caldarium, a steam bath heated from 45 to 48°C with 98 percent humidity.
  • Embrace the Ice Fountain by taking handfuls of ice and rubbing from your heart outwards to feel amazing.
  • When you are ready for more heat, ease into the Caldarium pool heated from 36 to 38°C for a welcome tension soother.
  • Slow your breath and focus the mind to embrace the Frigidarium cold pool, which is set from 10 to 12°C.
  • Rebalance with a warm shower.
  • Finally, soak up the good vibes you have experienced in the relaxation area. Relax back on a lounger warmed from 26 to 27°C.


1 hour


Inclusive for hotel guests

EUR 65 for external visitors

Please contact for more information

The Ancient Tradition of Roman Baths at Six Senses Spa
Families and Kids

Six Senses Experiences

Families and Kids

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