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Sustainability Camp for teens

Six Senses Laamu has launched a Sustainability Camp where teenage guests and their families learn sustainable living skills to take back home through the topics of “Zero Waste”, “Home Grown”, and “Nature Conservation”.

The program takes place over three days, with two 90-minute sessions per day. Each is led by a designated guide specializing in the topic, who will run crafts and workshops while sharing their knowledge and experience in the area.

Zero Waste:

Focuses on repurposing used items and reducing single-use plastics. From making your own beauty products in our Alchemy Bar to fashioning crafts out of coconuts and other recycled materials, roll your sleeves up and have some creative fun!

Home Grown:

Invites you on a seed-to-farm journey to plant and grow microgreens and watch them grow over the duration of your stay. Conscious Cooking guides you through easy-to-make, plant-based recipes with ingredients you can easily grow yourselves, whereas Garden Mixology teaches which fresh seasonal ingredients are best for juices and mocktails.

Nature Conservation:

Gets you hands-on with citizen science sessions. This includes an introduction to the local megafauna and seagrass meadows, an adventure on a neighboring island to discover the local Maldivian way of life or Carbon Caring, and an introduction to blue carbon habitats and the importance of underappreciated wonderlands such as mangroves and seagrass meadows. 

Greg Holder, Guest Education Coordinator of the Maldives Underwater Initiative, says: “Over time, we found that many teenagers were very interested in learning more about sustainability and marine conservation, but we didn’t have activities attractive for their age group. Our Sustainability Camp is a chance to share our insights, skills, and, above all, our passion for nature and conservation and help mould the next generation of conservation heroes.”

The Sustainability Camp welcomes teenagers and families who would like to spend quality time together, while learning more about how to lead a more sustainable life after they return home. Please contact our Reservations Team at

In the meantime, read more about our Junior Marine Biology program and Sustainability at Six Senses Laamu.

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