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Sustainability stories based on facts not fiction

Far from lessening the pleasure, following sustainable architectural and design practices enhances the hospitality experience. Fresh air, waking up to birdsong, homemade food and enjoying the natural biodiversity… we believe healthy hotels and resorts improve guests’ well-being and balance.

DIY make your own toothpaste

The team from the Earth Lab at Six Senses Douro Valley shows you how to make your own chemical free toothpaste. Make your very own toothpaste with a few simple ingredients.

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DIY make your own coconut oil

Six Senses Yao Noi shares the steps to making your very own coconut oil. Coconut oil is great for the skin and hair (and you can eat the crispy candy that is left in the pan). Enjoy!

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Tales from the rice fields

While Six Senses Yao Noi is often associated with the iconic limestone karsts of Phang Nga Bay, little did we know that our paradise island is also home to the largest paddy fields in the Phang Nga district.

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#DoNotFeedTheFish - responsible interaction guidelines from Six Senses Laamu

As a Green Fins member, Deep Blue Divers at Six Senses Laamu collaborate with different NGOs in the Maldives to make sure their guests enjoy wildlife as nature intended. Look what members are doing around the globe, replicate it and help #SaveOurReefs!

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Back to blue in Laamu

Six Senses Laamu is a resort with its feet in the sea. It is also at the forefront of preserving marine ecosystems and coral colonies. Join us and dive in.

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Rising beyond the reef in Fiji

Six Senses Fiji works with NGO Rise Beyond the Reef to support the local economy and help women in need. Each of your purchases promotes their empowerment.

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Caring for coral babies

When the moon cycle is just right, the reef at Six Senses Laamu glows with an incredible natural phenomenon: coral spawning. Meet Coco, our coral daddy, and Afaaz, our grouper daddy, and find out how you can get involved across our resorts.

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Connecting to local communities

With uninhabited islands all around this remote atoll in the Maldives, Six Senses Laamu may feel like paradise lost. But it’s a brilliant place to find your calling, perhaps by contributing to community life above and below water.

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