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Sustainability stories based on facts not fiction

Far from lessening the pleasure, following sustainable architectural and design practices enhances the hospitality experience. Fresh air, waking up to birdsong, homemade food and enjoying the natural biodiversity… we believe healthy hotels and resorts improve guests’ well-being and balance.

You're a force for good

We are deeply embedded into the fabric of our local communities. To celebrate Earth Day every day, here are just some of our community projects in our resorts in Ibiza, India, and Vietnam, directly supported by your bookings each time you stay.

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Global Tourism Plastics Initiative

We are delighted to be one of the first signatories of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, part of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme led by the UN Environment Programme and UN World Tourism Organization, in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

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Plastic Free 2022: how plastic is critically connected to your health

Over 80 percent of the drinking water tested globally reveals microplastic, transferring toxic chemicals when consumed. Our target is to operate completely free of plastic from 2022, as part of our Global Tourism Plastics Initiative pledge.

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How can you lighten your footprint at Earth Lab?

Learn and engage in all things natural through Earth Lab. Our global and groundbreaking ecological initiative is now central to all Six Senses properties, and you’re welcome to join the discussion.

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Helping kids gain sustainability knowledge through sustainable travel

Sustainable travel has the power to provide a sense of wonderment in the beauty of nature and opportunity to engage with people from a variety of interesting cultures and traditions.

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Connecting to local communities

With uninhabited islands all around this remote atoll in the Maldives, Six Senses Laamu may feel like paradise lost. But it’s a brilliant place to find your calling, perhaps by contributing to community life above and below water.

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Rising beyond the reef in Fiji

Six Senses Fiji works with NGO Rise Beyond the Reef to support the local economy and help women in need. Each of your purchases promotes their empowerment.

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