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Six Senses

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Menus that make a difference

February 22, 2023

While planning this season’s menus at Six Senses Shaharut, Chef David mentors his culinary team to produce exquisite dishes, then serves them on plates handcrafted by young people in need of a better start. Hope grows in the desert!

There’s no place like Rome

February 22, 2023

Ladies, we salute you. To celebrate its opening and International Women’s Day, Six Senses Rome welcomes everyone to a special Roman bathing, Kundalini Activation, spa treatment, and dining experience all month long!

A playground for growth

February 22, 2023

Harvest Kaplankaya will run from May 10 to 14, 2023. This curated four-day experience at Six Senses Kaplankaya brings guests and influential speakers together to rediscover human connection, discuss global issues, and celebrate human potential.

Wine and water do mix

February 22, 2023

Two hours from San Francisco and marrying the region’s beauty with the unique natural resources of the original Aetna Springs, the 3,000-acre estate of Six Senses Napa Valley will offer a haven for wellness, sustainability, fine wine, and dining.

Spring clean your fitness routine

February 22, 2023

Much like our minds, our bodies get used to and bored of the same things on repeat. From a fitness perspective, this means that by doing what you have always done, you won’t continue to achieve the same results (sorry).

Our first dedicated wellness retreat

January 19, 2023

We’re starting the New Year with a journey of self-discovery, health, and healing in the Himalayan foothills of India. Six Senses has brought the much-loved and well-established Vana into our portfolio to offer a new take on ancient wisdom.

Cheers to the chefs

January 19, 2023

From February 27, the Culinary Sensation at Six Senses Ninh Van Bay will host some of the world's finest and Michelin-starred chefs, celebrating food with a sustainable twist, served up with water from our very own Crystal Water Plant.

Make it a sustainable occasion

January 19, 2023

Pick from many elegant settings and charismatic locations for your formal or more out-of-the-ordinary celebrations at Six Senses Fort Barwara. With high sustainability standards, spacious suites, and considerate hosts, you’ll want for nothing.

Six Senses Laamu Celebrates the Inauguration of the Sea Hub of Environmental Learning in Laamu (SHELL)

January 10, 2023

Science, marine conservation, and education meet high-end hospitality in a new hub on the shores of Six Senses Laamu.

Made you look, made you care

December 13, 2022

Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg is blazing a trail as bright as his images on screen. From Fantastic Fungi to his latest release Gratitude Revealed, we asked him about the power of beauty, nature, celebrating life (and why a rotting mouse is not the end but the beginning of everything).

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