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Six Senses

Top stories

Sleep more

March 10, 2021

How is it that even though we spend a third of each day in bed, we don’t give much thought to our sleep? To celebrate World Sleep Day on March 19, our Spa Directors share the ways we can improve your sleep health.

Move your body

March 10, 2021

Keeping active is a great way to boost your immunity. What better incentive to get us off the sofa than with these five moves with Fitness & Yoga Instructor Hemant Gahlot? The hues of blue in the background are with love from Laamu!

Love your earth

March 10, 2021

Being environmentally friendly and socially responsible has always been central to our operations. By staying with us, you contribute too. To mark World Wildlife Day, here are our latest wildlife and community impact figures.

Best loved from our hosts

February 11, 2021

From Bhutan to Fiji, Oman, Portugal, Vietnam, Israel, Thailand and the Maldives, our hosts share tales of secret sandbanks, skydiving, swimming camels, treading grapes and dueling yaks. The best things about our unique hotels and resorts that make them what they are!

Rekindle your inner color

November 16, 2020

Did you know that we all have a personal color? This color, known as a Life Path Color, expresses in light language, the color frequency of your own core nature. Six Senses Visiting Practitioner Mark Wentworth tells you how to shine a light on yours.

Best spas for bliss

September 7, 2020

Oh to be able to socially touch! As humans we rely on it and we miss it, which is why we’re introducing a Body Balance wellness activity to help you feel grounded, reconnected and back to your best new you!

Umbrian Wonders

August 11, 2020

You wait in hope for one Italian dream destination then two come along! Hot on the heels of Rome is Six Senses Antognolla, a 12th-century Italian castle and borgo, offering views over manicured fairways to the wild, cypress-topped hillsides beyond.

Walk in Wellness: Historical Garden Tour in Portugal

July 20, 2020

The most powerful connectors evoke our senses. Grounding in nature – with its sounds, textures and aromas – boosts our mental and physical health. Six Senses Douro Valley has been recognized by the Portuguese Association of Historical Gardens.

What do sleep trackers tell you?

March 10, 2020

What goes on inside us when we’re dribbling into our pillows? Six Senses Douro Valley equipped our guest Emily with a sleep tracker to find out.

Your dreams and you

March 6, 2020

Visiting Practitioner Claude Simard talks to us about the therapeutic benefits of using the messages of our dreams. It starts with our inner child. When was the last time you listened to yours?

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